Monday, July 31, 2017

EFO 1965 Kennedy 6s

On this 6-sentimo Kennedy stamp of 1965, the yellow is shifted upward, causing a yellow shadow to appear on Kennedy's head.

Not listed in the IPPS EFO catalog.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Christmas slogan

This slogan cancel urging to Donate to the 1956 Malacañang Christmas Festival was used in Manila from November 5 to December 15, 1956.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Family Week slogan

This slogan cancel for National Family Week of 1950 was used in Manila from December 1 to 7, 1950.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Red Cross slogan

This slogan cancel for the second annual fund campaign of the Philippine National Red Cross was used in Manila from February 15 to March 15, 1949.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thrift Week slogan

This slogan cancel for National Thrift Week of 1954 was used in Manila from January 4 to 10, 1954.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Manila Yacht Club slogan

Slogan Canceller “MANILA YACHT CLUB 1927 – 2017

The Manila Yacht Club (MYC) Manila, Philippines, has commissioned this office (PPC) to issue, circulate and sell Commemorative covers with slogan canceller to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the country’s premier yacht club.
The Manila Yacht Club (MYC) was founded in 1927. It is a members’ only Club and the country’s premier yacht club. The Club is a yachting hub in Southeast Asia committed to the promotion of all forms of water activities.
The Manila Yacht Club was established to encourage and develop boating throughout the country, as well as to put enthusiasts in touch and develop fair play, camaraderie, and good sportsmanships among its members. The first by-laws of the Club were signed on January 20, 1927 by five devoted and passionate yachtsmen: James C. Rockwell, Joseph A. Thomas, Aubrey P. Ames, Stewart E. Taite, and A.S. Heyward.
With its rich history of 90 years, the Club also went through rough sailing in the past. Sailing was stopped in December 1941 at the onset of World War II. The Americans confiscated the boats docked at the Manila Yacht Club basin for fear that the Japanese soldiers might use them to launch an attack on Corregidor. The boats were either sunk or set on fire. In 1947, the Club was able to secure the property where it stands today. In the 70’s expatriate membership picked up again during the mid-80’s until the early 90’s. In 1998, The Club became a propriety corporation where members became shareholders.
The Manila Yacht Club is affiliated with the Philippine Sailing Association and aims to race competitively in local and international sailing events.
At 90 years , today, the Manila Yacht Club, under a resilient and forward-looking leadership and behind a storied past of Philippine maritime history, moves forward to a definitely bright and heady future of Philippine Sailing that would come as spectacular as its eternal backdrop – the beautiful Manila Bay sunset.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Labor-Management slogan

This slogan cancel for the Labor-Management Congress of 1955 was used in Manila from May 15 to 28, 1955.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Better Health slogan

This slogan cancel for World Health Day on July 22 was used in Manila from July 11 to 22, 1955.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Prayer for Peace slogan

This slogan cancel for Defenders of Bataan & Corregidor was used in Manila from April 6 to 9, 1955.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Peace Fund slogan

This slogan cancel calling for supporting the Peace Fund Drive & Fair of Manila was used in Manila from November 23 to December 22, 1952.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Home Industries slogan

This slogan cancel promoting Home Industries was used in Manila from February 1 to 15, 1954.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Asian Games slogan

This slogan cancel for the 2nd Asian Games held from May 1 to 9, 1954 was used in Manila from January 11 to 31, 1954.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Yacht club commem cover

PRESS RELEASE: PHLPost releases Manila Yacht Club 90th year anniversary commemorative cover

In line with the 90th Anniversary of the Manila Yacht Club (MYC) which was established in 1927, the Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) issued the limited edition Commemorative Cover featuring the MYC’s members’ only Club and the country’s premier yacht club.
The Club is also one of the oldest yacht clubs in Asia.
The said commemorative cover comes with a design or theme printed in the envelope to celebrate the 90th year anniversary and the postmark indicating the cancellation of the first day of issue. These are important to collectors because of its historical significance.
Today, the Manila Yacht Club (MYC) plans to promote yachting and sailing as sporting event.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Anti-littering slogan

This slogan cancel for Make Manila Beautiful was used in Manila from May 1 to 10, 1958.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Taxes slogan

This slogan cancel calling on taxpayers to pay their taxes was used in Manila from April 5 to 11, 1955.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

FSCC auction July 2017

Some 30 bidders, including new faces in the crowd and absentee bidders, participated in today's auction sale of the Filipinas Stamp Collectors' Club held at the Philpost lobby.

The picture above shows majority of the crowd.

Of the 530 philatelic and nonphilatelic lots offered, the following were the Philippine philatelic lots (not counting a few with inadequate descriptions):
Spanish era
1888-89 papel sellado 25c de peso green headboard w/serial #
1898 1 milesima B/9 mint

Y2 B/4 mint
2c telegrafos B/4 mint
YP1 perf/imperf una milesima B/4

1911 cover Los Banos & 1921 OB Tayabas (some tears)
1926 FDC (La Estrella Filipinas)
1926 FDC Legislative (Phil Chess Association)
1926 FDC Legislative A
1926 FDC Legislative B
1926 FDC Legislative C
1926 FDC Legislative w/Christmas seal
1927 FDC w/Fondo Espanol label
1931 2c & 4c imperf B/4 mint
1931 OB 10v B/4 mint
1933 slogan cover Manila Trade Center of the Pacific
1935 Inauguration Commonwealth 5v B/4 mint
1935 Temples of Human Progress 5v mint pairs
1936 Arnacal 3v B/6 mint
1936 commercial cover Manila to Davao 2c red Rizal
1937 Eucharistic Congress unused/used set
1945 Victory 13v B/4 cancelled
Victory FDC A
Victory FDC B
Victory postal card

Japanese occupation
1943 OSG 3v perf B/4
1942 FDC Dec. 8
1943 FDC Jan. 23
1943 FDC April 1 A
1943 FDC April 1 B
1943 FDC May 7
1943 FDC Oct. 14
1944 FDC Feb. 17
1943 postal card Oct. 14
1944 postal card June 19
1944 postal card Sept. 7
1944 FDC Kapariz
Planting Rice B/4s error

Republic mint
1947 defins 2v B/4 (March 23)
1947 defins 2v B/4 (August 1)
1947 Ecafe 3v imperf pairs
1954 Asian Games 3v
1972 Evolution of Flag strip
1977 Espamer ss perf/imperf
1978 Capex ss perf/imperf
1991 El Filibusterismo set
1991 Year of Monkey 2v sheets of 50
1992 Year of Rooster 2v sheets of 50
1992 Battle of Bataan ss
1992 Battle of Corregidor ss
1992 Chess ss 3pcs (w/slight stain)
1993 Our Lady of Naval B/4
1993 Bangkok Exhibit ovpt on Fishes ss
1996 UE B/4
1997 J Walter Thompson B/4
1997 Year of Tiger perf ss
1997 Year of Tiger imperf ss
1998 Pink Sisters 2pcs
2001 HK Exhibit ss Philippine Eagle
2001 HK Exhibit ss Tamaraw
2001 HK Exhibit ss Pawikan
2001 HK Exhibit ss Sampaguita
2001 HK Exhibit ss Tarsier
2002 Marikina City pair
2004 Filipino Chinese Chamber of Commerce 2 sets
2008 Rats of Luzon 4v
UN World Heritage
Flowers B/16 + P1 9pcs
4 diff ss

Republic specimens
1991 Basketball Centenary set
1993 National Anthem ss Series 1
1993 Indonesia Stampex ovpt on Butterflies sheet #1 2 ss
1993 Indonesia Stampex ovpt on Butterflies sheet #2 2 ss
1994 Naphilcon ovpt on Corals ss
1997 HK Stampex Zodiac signs ms of 6
1998 Aseanpex Rizal’s Life, Works set + 4 ss
1999 Migratory Shorebirds ss
2000 Sydney Olympics B/4
2000 La Union 4v
2003 Rizal’s Roots in China B/4
2005 SEA Games 6v
2005 Pasko set
2005 SEA Games ss 2pcs
2005 Land Snails 8v
2005 Land Snails ss
2007 Birds defins 4v 2 sets
2007 Birds defins 8v
2008 Bonsai 32v in sheetlet
2008 Crabs 4v
2008 Lighthouses 4v
2008 Sports set
2008 Philippine Eagle 2v
2008 Tourist Spots 7v
2010 Ateneo de Manila Class of 60 B/4
2010 Grace Christian School B/4
2010 Veterans Federation pair
2010 Turnover of Olongapo from USA pair
2010 Central Mindanao University pair
2010 Protect Ozone Layers pair
2010 Bukidnon State University B/4
Millennium Series 2 3 4 (3 strips)
Intl Year of the Eucharist 6v
Coastal Resources set + ss
Intl Year of Rice set + ss
FEU, Lyceum, San Beda (10 schools/universities)
5 diff commems A
5 diff commems B
10 pcs Benguet, SGV, Camera Club, Eclipse, Rotary, etc
10 pcs La Union, Vigan, Baguio, Marikina, Ozamiz, etc
11 pcs Pfizer, St. Luke’s, etc

Republic FDCs
1946 Independence set
1947 (Oct. 19)
1950 Baguio w/signature of Carlos P. Romulo
1954 Asian Games 6 diff cachets
1959 22pcs
1962 w/signature of Diosdado Macapagal
1964 Olympics B/4 & 4 diff cachets
1966 w/signature of Ferdinand Marcos
1977 Boy Scouts National Jamboree
1979 Scoutpex ss
1979 Scoutpex ss Manila & UP cancels
1981 SEA Games Rizal Memorial cancel
1984 National Museum 2v
1988 Insects 4 diff cachets
1993 Indonesia Stampex ovpt on Butterflies sheet #1
1993 Indonesia Stampex ovpt on Butterflies sheet #2
1994 PEZA set
1994 Miss Universe ss
1997 HK Stampex Zodiac signs ms

Republic covers
1948 Rizal Monument definitive Dumaguete cancel
1950 slogan cover Cebu City
1975 slogan cover Corregidor cancel

Republic souvenir albums
1954 Marian Year
1972 Julian Felipe

1979 Scoutpex FDC + ss
Manuel Quezon FDC + stamps
Trial of Bonifacio postal card unused
Rizal green postal card w/Manila Cathedral stamp first day cancel
Album of 1950s stamps & FDCs
Lot of covers
Lot of postally used covers
TB seals 1991 sheet of 36
TB seals 1988 sheet of 48 + ss
TB seals 1950s-1980s B/4s
TB seal 1973 B/30
Philippine Philatelic Journal A w/bonus 1,000+ RP stamps
Philippine Philatelic Journal B w/bonus 1,000+ RP stamps
Philstamps auction catalog w/bonus 1,000+ RP stamps

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Girl Scout Week slogan

This slogan cancel for Girl Scout Week of September 20-27, 1952 was used in Manila from September 16 to 27, 1952.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Jaycees slogan 3

This slogan cancel for the 7th National Convention of the Jaycees, held at Bacolod City from April 14 to 17, 1955, was used only in Bacolod City from April 1 to 17, 1955.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jaycees slogan 2

This slogan cancel for the Fellowship Fiesta of the Central Luzon Jaycees, held at Tarlac, Tarlac from February 19 to 20, 1955, was used only in Tarlac from February 18 to 20, 1955.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Jaycees slogan 1

This slogan cancel for the 8th National Convention of the Jaycees, held at Baguio City from May 2 to 6, 1956, was used in Manila and in Baguio from April 16 to May 6, 1956.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Monday, July 10, 2017

EFO 1948 Boy Scout 4c imperf

Ring flaw between U and T in SCOUTS
Background color shifted upward and to the left
Flaw above O and Y in BOY of top right stamp
Ring flaw after Y in BOY of lower leftmost stamp
EFOs of the 4c imperforate.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

EFO 1948 Sampaguita

Green shifted to the left
Green shifted downward and to the right
Green shifted to the right
Green shifted downward, light green background shifted downward
White spots on leaves
Green shifted to the left
Green shifted downward and to the right
EFO varieties of the 1948 Sampaguita stamp.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

EFO 1988 Balagtas

Light green shifted to left (see back of head)
Light green shifted to left (see back of head)
Light green shifted to left (see front of head)
Light green shifted to left (see front of head)
Light green shifted to left (see front of head)
Light green shifted to left (see back of head)
Brown touching IAL of BICENTENNIAL
Here are some EFOs of the Balagtas Bicentennial issue of 1988.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Philacon '92 postcard

Here is a postcard for Philacon '92, the Second National Philatelic Convention, held at Cebu City from October 22 to 24, 1992.
On the back is a stamp cancelled with a Philacon '92 slogan cancellation dated October 9, 1992, the 15th anniversary of the Philippine Philatelic Auction Club. There are two signatures, most likely PPAC members. One is that of (my guess) Carlos Inductivo (who conducted the "grand auction" of Philacon '91).
The slogan's message is delightsome: Happiness is Collecting Stamps!

Thursday, July 6, 2017


This postcard was issued for the Philippine Stamp Exhibit at Taipei held from December 1 to 3, 1992.
It pictures a 'labuyo' and has a cancelled P2 Year of the Cock stamp (issued in 1992 for the 1993 Chinese New Year).
There actually were Philippine souvenir sheets issued for the exhibit. On the other hand, the Republic of China issued a commemorative souvenir sheet for the "Philippine Stamp Exhibition 1992".

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Missing 1959 stamp illustration
Missing 1936 stamp illustration
Missing 1906 stamp illustration
Rizalcipex, the Rizal Centennial International Philatelic Exhibition, was held at Manila from June 10 to 26, 1961.
This privately-issued "souvenir sheet" (more like a souvenir card) illustrates three Dr. Jose Rizal stamps of the USPI, Commonwealth, and Republic periods. On the back is printed a serial number.
Anyone knows who issued this?

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

EFO 1988 Malate

PILIPINAS and "1." of P1.00 touching the illustration
Color Shift affecting 1776 of top stamp
Flaw on green of top stamp at right of A in PILIPINAS
Dark shade
"1." of P1.00 touching illustration
Color Shift causing doubling of cross (top right stamp)
Some EFOs of the 1988 Malate se-tenant block of 4 issue.